Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Find The Wireless Network Security Key In Windows 7

Click on the Start button and then select the control panel option from the start menu. A window will open.

Select the Network and Internet option from this window. Another window will open.

Select the Network and Sharing Center option. Yet another window will open.

Select the Manage Wireless Networks option ( on the left ). A list of networks will display.

Select the one for which you want to know network security key. A window will open.

Check on the check box which says Show Characters. You should be able to see the network security key for the network you have selected.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Publishing Feeds from Google Reader

Having lost the ability to publish rss feeds in Google Reader, an alternate method of publishing is needed. The web addresses of published feeds display the label at the end of the url;

  • http://www.google.com/reader/shared/user/03256507980052811175/label/nym

The last ( green ) word in the address can be changed, to access any label applied in Google Reader. The public can view that published feed if they have the url.

Notes cannot be created manually in Google Reader, but full rss feeds from blogs hosted at blogspot.com can be subscribed to and assigned to a folder in Google Reader whose web address displays the name of that folder as a label at the end of that url.

This message was created at http://nymstips.blogspot.com/. It is also published as a shared item from Google Reader, but not in the main Shared item stream.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Find Your Internet Protocol ( IP ) address

Your computer, or your home computer network have their own unique address that identifies you on the internet. To find your IP address, you can search for { my ip address } in Google search.

At the top of the search results, Google will display your IP address. There are many services listed in the search results that can be useful, but for those who need a simple and quick check, this is useful.

Read more about your IP address at Google.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bookmarking Older Google Services

Some generic links to older Google Services that have been upgraded with new links;
  • Contacts - Was integrated into gmail, older page has more functions.
  • Photos - Formerly linked to Picasa Web site, now links to Google+
This page will be edited as needed. Bookmark these links for easy access.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sharing to Google+ From Google Reader

Several methods of sharing from Google Reader to Google+;

Send to.

Go to Google Reader Settings, and open the Send To tab. At the bottom of the page you'll see Create a custom link, click on it. enter the following lines of text in the appropriate window;
  • Name ~ Google+
  • URL ~  https://m.google.com/app/plus/x/?content=${title}%20-%20${url}&v=compose&hideloc=1
  • Icon URL ~  http://ssl.gstatic.com/s2/oz/images/favicon.ico

When you see an item in Google Reader that you would like to share on Google+, look at the bottom bar of the item for Send To. Click on it, and a drop down window will allow you to select Google+.

This does not seem to share photos.

Thanks; http://www.techlifeweb.com/2011/10/02/how-to-enable-send-to-google-from-google-reader/#


Drag this Share to G+ button to your nav-bar. This does not seem to share photos either.

Thanks; http://www.techlifeweb.com/2011/08/12/share-googleplus-cross-browser-bookmarklet/

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Adding Purge Memory Button to Chrome's Task Manager

Adding a purge button to Google's Chrome Task Manager is easy.
  1. Right click on the Chrome shortcut ( on your desktop )
  2. Look down, to the very bottom of the pop-up window for Properties, and left click on that.
  3. Look for a window named Target, containing text; C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
  4. Add this text to the end of the text in step #3; -purge-memory-button ( make sure you leave a space before the text you insert )
  5. Left click on Apply, and close the pop-up window.
  6. Use the shortcut to open the Chrome Browser.
  7. Right click on the very top of the Browser ( above the omni-box )
  8. Left click on Task Manager.
The image below displays the Purge button on the Task Manager. Click that button, and watch your memory usage drop immediately.

This is especially useful when playing games on-line. Many games leak data to your memory, slowing your machine down.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Google Chromes Inline Translate Extension for Google+

Don't limit yourself to reading posts from only the people who speak your native language. An extension for your Google's Chrome Browser translates any post in just about any language.

Each Google+ item has three buttons at the bottom; +1, Comment and Share. Google Translate for Google+ puts another button next to them; Translate. When someone posts an item in a language that is foreign to you, just click on that button and it will be translated, inline for you to read in your native language.